
Illusion of the colors


Seungtaik Jang


If Van Gogh¡¯s light is that of high noon on a summer day, mine is the light in the early morning sky touched with the open earth, the light around sun on solar eclipse and the light emitted from the finger nail of an immature lass. Light and color, the basic elements of painting, and translucent medium are absolute constituents in my painting. I intend to reveal the spirituality by concretizing the physical property by way of proliferated transparent colors and the circulating light.

The light not only has sensual element but also includes inspiration and intellectuality. In other words, it symbolizes life, death and existence. This light is the one that can be felt in our ordinary life and yet it is also a special one that can be expressed in painting.

Color itself is not a physical material. It solely relies upon the object that incorporates the physicality. Color is shown by light and is substantialized on the surface of the object.

My new work, the ¡®Layered Painting¡¯ series, is related to the ongoing ¡®Poly Painting¡¯ series and is color-field abstract painting that is created by multi-layers of colors.

I had done painting without brush for last 30 years. Now I began to use it after such a long absence. Brush, the very basic tool of painting, leaves rich traces even by small movements of painter¡¯s hand. Therefore, I tried to minimalize my bodily movement as much as possible. One big stroke!

White empty space, the selection of color, the thickness of pigment, the sensuous choice of the width of color-field and waiting for drying¡¦

The grandiose illusion of colors that is revealed as a result of many repeating, simple and yet very delicate bodily actions¡¦

Where does color go when it gets dark?

2019. 10. 8 Seungtaik Jang